featured works
progress @ 12am~
faceted dress in MD
following the instruction on the Pattern Magic book. adding 3d shapes on the bodice by drafting 2d triangles from the basic sloper i made. it seemed easy but i had to take out a... READ MORE
basic sloper in cg
making basic sloper for a cg human is something i haven’t done before. i browse amazing japanese pattern making books called Pattern Magic whenever i have a spare time and practice in my head how to... READ MORE
dragon decoration sim
this simulation test inspiration came form Chinese paper dragon decoration. same honeycomb construction from last one but i animated the first layer by attaching to the object. i prepared the honeycomb paper pattern... READ MORE
honeycomb sphere sim
honeycomb sphere is a paper ornament i liked since i was little. it was so magic to me that just a flat stacked papers turn into large 3D object. it turned out not... READ MORE
catVR – cats daydream
experiencing the very comfortable googles daydream VR headset inspired me to make “his” headset on rainy weekend. he means my cat btw… and he was ready to try out something new from the last (mock)... READ MORE
year of rooster
just playing around with MD. quick pattern drawing and simulated several frames for fun. i was probably subconsciously thinking about a rooster since today is the Chinese New Year 🙂 READ MORE
augmented reality
Augmented Reality (AR) was something I was thinking about since the buzzword was used with Virtual Reality (VR) so I can see my plush before I commit to sew. Marvelous Designer 4 for plush model & exporting .obj & .mtl, … Continued
and a costume
quick costume tailoring while cooking. Importing the fox plush as .obj and use it as an avatar in Marvelous Designer. Couple more costumes are in progress and dinner was ready by the time all frills settled in simulation 🙂 Both … Continued
he needs a friend
as my mind continue wondering… I gave squirrel a friend. what I’m trying to practice here is how to efficiently modify the pattern not just for sewing but also to achieve a family of characters in design. IMO, successful toy/character designs share … Continued
when my mind wonders…
i like to doodle patterns when my mind wonders. keeps me interested in how things are put together… even how world and nature surrounding us are constructed. I wish I have more time to sew them (quite a backlog I … Continued
natto print
let me call this Natto-Print (natto=Japanese fermented soybeans that creates strings)… i’ve been printing with ColorFabb PLA and my print size has been mid to large with custom-normal resolution on Ultimaker2. Today I wanted to print something hi-res (pre-set in Cura) since … Continued
printing plush
wait! i’m not done yet with my plush! Now my sewing marathon is over… I have to make myself a set but I needed a break from sewing machine this weekend, so instead I printed my plush. I was hoping to just use MD … Continued
fast tracking a project
i was working (slowly) on my original plush designs in Marvelous Designer. Now I have a charity event I would like to help so I’m fast tracking my art piece project. Those are very simple pieces at first glance but I … Continued
golden pig
we were almost there… whether or not the Dam Keeper received the Oscar for animated short film, I wanted to honor this film so I made a little golden pig award for Tonko House. My contribution to this film was small (I … Continued