progress @ 12am~

cool cat

my daytime job & what-i-call-life occupied me in 2017. however during all the crazy schedule, a kitten arrived to our family and he is growing up so fast! READ MORE

faceted dress in MD

following the instruction on the Pattern Magic book. adding 3d shapes on the bodice by drafting 2d triangles from the basic sloper i made. it seemed easy but i had to take out a... READ MORE

basic sloper in cg

making basic sloper for a cg human is something i haven’t done before. i browse amazing japanese pattern making books called Pattern Magic whenever i have a spare time and practice in my head how to... READ MORE

dragon decoration sim

this simulation test inspiration came form Chinese paper dragon decoration. same honeycomb construction from last one but i animated the first layer by attaching to the object. i prepared the honeycomb paper pattern... READ MORE

honeycomb sphere sim

honeycomb sphere is a paper ornament i liked since i was little. it was so magic to me that just a flat stacked papers turn into large 3D object. it turned out not... READ MORE

catVR – cats daydream

experiencing the very comfortable googles daydream VR headset inspired me to make “his” headset on rainy weekend. he means my cat btw… and he was ready to try out something new from the last (mock)... READ MORE


i didn’t know that this particular smocking technique is called “canadian smocking“till recently. i use MD to doodle my sewing patterns and i found plotting the smocking patterns soothing. by running simulation in MD I... READ MORE

year of rooster

just playing around with MD. quick pattern drawing and simulated several frames for fun. i was probably subconsciously thinking about a rooster since today is the Chinese New Year 🙂     READ MORE

sewing spheres (1)

posted in: sewing | 0

I like looking around the world and think how can I recreate them in fabric. When I started to sew costumes, I was thinking how many ways to construct a sphere and a round shape. For instance when you peel … Continued

why cg pattern making?

posted in: sewing | 0

I started to use a cloth software called Marvelous Designer at home since last year. When I create large costume, I need to know approximate material yardage to minimize waste since 3 inch pile acrylic furs costs $25-$40 a yard and I … Continued

The Dam Keeper

posted in: plush toys | 0

The Dam Keeper (Pig) Collaborator Dice Tsutsumi and Robert Kondo This is something I’m working on… From their earlier FB posting on my in progress work. *More images COMING SOON


posted in: costume | 0

While I make small stuff I also make big stuff like full size Halloween costumes. It takes about a month per piece from planing to finish and every year I’m getting fast at it. Here are some costume samples I’ve … Continued

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