life-work-print balance

posted in: 3DPrint, costume | 0

I spent a day just splitting a head model into 14 pieces to fit in UM2 max printing space available and planning the orientation of the model on the platform to avoid the need for support structures with minimum overhang areas. Going back & forth between MeshMixer and Cura.

152m PLA, 46 hrs printing time total and constant checking on filaments from tangling.

Cura (slicer) always over estimated the printing time, so after several piece of prints they came out 1/2 time estimated by Cura. Each head pieces are about 4hrs and I had only 2 bad pieces to be re-printed. Also 4hrs chunks were just enough time to plan my life around it (sleep, cook, grocery, cleaning etc…) I still have to do those things after long hours at work you know…

Head Print Setting:

Printer Ultimaker 2
Print time average 4 hour (14 pcs)
Base some of them were Brim
Layer Thickness 0.2mm
Wall Thickness 1mm
Infill 0%