cool cat
my daytime job & what-i-call-life occupied me in 2017. however during all the crazy schedule, a kitten arrived to our family and he is growing up so fast!
following the instruction on the Pattern Magic book. adding 3d shapes on the bodice by drafting 2d triangles from the basic sloper i made. it seemed easy but i had to take out a pen & a paper and a compass … Continued
making basic sloper for a cg human is something i haven’t done before. i browse amazing japanese pattern making books called Pattern Magic whenever i have a spare time and practice in my head how to use those techniques in cg garments. if … Continued
a very simple secret: it is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye.” ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince happy halloween everybody! this year’s costume was special to me. while i … Continued
spent the weekend on final touches. this project came together pretty quickly but definitely one a rewarding costume to make. here are some details. the grand total of this project is $145 (PLA filament $60, paints $40, props $12, fabric $18, … Continued
watching stop motion footages for costume reference and drafting in marvelous designer 6. next few days process will go fast.. starting by importing my standin model AND costume head into MD6 as an avatar. i’m tailoring the costume to fit me but more … Continued
first time using Bondo907 to smooth the surface. it worked like modeling putty, sets fast and sands easily. for the large surface smoothing, i think this is the best way so far. I just hope that I never have to do this … Continued
100 hrs and 150m PLA later, temporary assembling 13 printed pieces. This is probably my most favorite and most nerve wrecking moment because i’m constantly asking myself 2 questions “would I fit in?” and “would my wearble design keep the integrity of … Continued
the time has come! for the life-size printing 🙂 i’m getting a good hang of splitting the pieces and print ready with min overhang issue with max printable area . also i’ve noticed the crack on Rocket’s print where surface was so … Continued
measure once, twice and three times… both myself and digital myself. putting my VR previous into test… i export the entire head mesh and read in Cura knowing that it won’t fit in UM’s printable area. this way I can see … Continued