3d scanner

posted in: 3DPrint, tech | 0

Structure Sensor is handy for quick capture tasks for some of my ‘fix-it” projects around the house. Structure Sensor support some AR/VR area… haven’t had a chance to experiment this feature yet but while my 3D printer is busy, let’s check … Continued

mochi topping

posted in: 3DPrint | 0

one of the japanese new year traditions is to display Kagami-Mochi and at the very top of the tiers daidai-orange (type of bitter orange) is placed. my kagami-mochi is made out of plastic and I misplaced the plastic orange topping somehow… … Continued

dyi piggy bank

posted in: 3DPrint | 0

belated gift for you, Tonko House. since you like to paint your own characters, I’ll leave the piggy bank as a DYI kit (primed and ready for acrylic paint). Tonko-san, please send me a pic after you are done painting 🙂 … Continued

holiday printing

posted in: 3DPrint | 0

finally I have time to catch up on printing! used a spool of translucnet filament I had for a year so let’s use it. Printer Settings: Material Ultimaker Blue PLA Translucent Print time Front: 8.5 hrs, Back:6.5 hrs (cura was … Continued

jan. project

posted in: 3DPrint | 0

this January, 12 months ago I mean. i wanted to make a piggy bank for friends @ Tonko House as a gift. However, I never finished it and now it’s almost end of the year. Time to cue my printer! i … Continued

bunny jar done

posted in: 3DPrint | 0

gave quick sanding, gluing, spray primer and high gloss spray finish. Hat didn’t fit perfectly due to shrinkage and probably a sagging support during printing. Modeling is easy but constructing optimal support structures for printing process is just a matter of practice-practice-practice! However, for … Continued

bunny jar IP

posted in: 3DPrint, tech | 0

hot-dry days are best days to 3D print… the room temperature was constant and no moisture in the air (PLA thanks you) A piece in progress: I’ve read about ColorFabb PLA print result differences depends on the batch (true? dunno…). I used to … Continued

he needs a friend

posted in: 3DPrint, plush toys, sewing | 0

as my mind continue wondering… I gave squirrel a friend. what I’m trying to practice here is how to efficiently modify the pattern not just for sewing but also to achieve a family of characters in design. IMO, successful toy/character designs share … Continued

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