Le Petit Prince : “And now here is my secret,

posted in: 3DPrint, costume, sewing, tech | 0

a very simple secret: it is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye.” ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

happy halloween everybody! this year’s costume was special to me. while i was working on this project, i realized i didn’t just like The Little Prince movie but also my creativity was driven by inspirations from other animation disciplines. i have a unique relationship with animation community because i am surrounded by talented hardworking friends & a partner in this field and i simply express my gratitude and respect to them by making a costume from animated film every year.

UPDATE: the director of TLP Mark Osborne sent me the fox! i’m speechless and so grateful to his kind gesture! again and again, i’m reminded of how unique and amazing our animation communities are. big or large productions, we all share the same passion in this art form. thank you very much Mr. Osborne!