natto print

posted in: 3DPrint | 0

let me call this Natto-Print (natto=Japanese fermented soybeans that creates strings)… i’ve been printing with ColorFabb PLA and my print size has been mid to large with custom-normal resolution on Ultimaker2. Today I wanted to print something hi-res (pre-set in Cura) since … Continued

printing plush

posted in: 3DPrint, plush toys | 0

wait! i’m not done yet with my plush! Now my sewing marathon is over… I have to make myself a set but I needed a break from sewing machine this weekend, so instead I printed my plush. I was hoping to just use MD … Continued


posted in: plush toys, sewing | 0

what an intense 5 days! I changed my initial material idea from wool to organic cotton, which is very soft, durable and almost felt like wool. I also made slight pattern adjustments on the legs/hip area on each animals… which ended up with me … Continued

fast tracking a project

posted in: plush toys, sewing | 0

i was working (slowly) on my original plush designs in Marvelous Designer. Now I have a charity event I would like to help so I’m fast tracking my art piece project. Those are very simple pieces at first glance but I … Continued

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