3d jewelry

posted in: 3DPrint | 0

nervous.com I think this company is fascinating! They create 3D printed dress, jewelries, interior design etc…procedurally. It’s a beautiful execution and I couldn’t keep my eyes off printing. I printed a hinged bracelet from their interactive site in low-quality so … Continued

my printer space

posted in: 3DPrint | 0

Surround myself with familiar tools and keep workspace orderly. Owning a moving parts mechanical machine definitely made my workspace clean. Cats out! during printing. I use nail filer as sand paper for tiny model and IKEA organizer with a hole … Continued

dk magnet

posted in: 3DPrint | 0

The Dam Keeper theme continues… Cute DK character magnet prototypes. 3DCoat -> MeshMixer -> Cura. Custom normal quality print. 32mins each and no major issues during printing. I modeled mask’s grill area more exaggerated for printer to pick up clean … Continued

dragon v2

posted in: 3DPrint | 0

Determined to learn how to print the dragon! I experimented with more support  structures and useing brim in Cura to anchor supporting rods. I had several un-even thickness brims and that caused the support rods to shift. Re-calibrated build plate … Continued

dragon v1

posted in: 3DPrint | 0

I watched the How To Train Your Dragon 2 and really liked it. Toothless from HTTYD and Remy from Ratatouille are two characters that I wish I can adopt for real. One of my personal interests is to study styles. … Continued

Dk mask

posted in: 3DPrint | 0

Inspired by my friends’ short film The Dam Keeper. When I was making a plush version of Pig I was exploring how I can make a mask part without going thru casting process since it’s going to be a small … Continued

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